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直动电磁铁分类, 结构 & 原理

本类别的电磁铁通过拉入(拉近)滑杆  和/或  推出顶杆对外工作.
Solenoids of this category work externally through pulling in plunger and/or pushing out pushing rod

A. 根据电磁铁产品的外壳(框架)形状分类 Classification by cover/frame structure:

  1. C 形开置外壳/框架电磁铁 C shape open frame solenoid.
  2. O 形开置外壳/框架电磁铁 O shape open frame solenoid.
  3. 圆管外壳电磁铁 Tubular Solenoid.

B. 根据电磁铁对外工作方向分类为: Classification by work mode:

  • 拉入型电磁铁: 当给电磁铁通电时, 它通过拉入 (拉近) 滑杆 (和滑杆带动的物件) 工作.
    Pull type: solenoid, when energized, doing work through pulling in plunger joined object
  • 推出型电磁铁: 当给电磁铁通电时, 他通过推出顶杆(和顶杆带动的部件)工作.
    Push type: solenoid, when energized, doing work through pushing away pushing rod joined object.

C. 各类电磁铁的结构如下: Structures of these solenoids

C形开置外壳/框架电磁铁 O 形开置外壳/框架电磁铁 圆管形电磁铁
拉入功能 / Pull Function
推出功能 / Push Function